static string serviceKey = "본인이 받은 서비스키";
public static string CallWebService()
var _url = "";
var _action = "http://service.MdcinPrdlstInfo.drug.kfda/getMdcinPrdlstList"; // namespace(xmlns:ser) / methodname
XmlDocument soapEnvelopeXml = CreateSoapEnvelope();
HttpWebRequest webRequest = CreateWebRequest(_url, _action);
InsertSoapEnvelopeIntoWebRequest(soapEnvelopeXml, webRequest);
// begin async call to web request.
IAsyncResult asyncResult = webRequest.BeginGetResponse(null, null);
// suspend this thread until call is complete. You might want to
// do something usefull here like update your UI.
// get the response from the completed web request.
string soapResult;
using (WebResponse webResponse = webRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult))
using (StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()))
soapResult = rd.ReadToEnd();
return soapResult;
private static HttpWebRequest CreateWebRequest(string url, string action)
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
webRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", action);
webRequest.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"";
webRequest.Accept = "text/xml";
webRequest.Method = "POST";
return webRequest;
private static XmlDocument CreateSoapEnvelope()
XmlDocument soapEnvelop = new XmlDocument();
@"<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="""" xmlns:head="""" xmlns:ser=""http://service.MdcinPrdlstInfo.drug.kfda/"">
, serviceKey));
return soapEnvelop;
private static void InsertSoapEnvelopeIntoWebRequest(XmlDocument soapEnvelopeXml, HttpWebRequest webRequest)
using (Stream stream = webRequest.GetRequestStream())