[Android] 멀티태스킹 키 막기, multitasking multiwindow recent app key turn off
출처 : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30979005/block-disable-recent-apps-button#31649689
Step 1
Add this permission to the manifest.xml file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REORDER_TASKS" />
Step 2
Put this code in any Activity on which you want to block/disable the recent apps button
protected void onPause() {
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getApplicationContext()
activityManager.moveTaskToFront(getTaskId(), 0);
I have tried in several devices and it is working perfectly. Pressing the recent apps button may turn the screen black for less than a second but will bring your activity back again.
일단 앱 선택 창으로 넘어가진 않는다.
하지만 처음 키를 누르면 깜빡임이 있다.
이걸 막는 것도 찾아봐야 할 것 같다.