프로그램 자료/Visual C#

C# PostMessage API

motolies 2015. 2. 16. 23:08

출처 : http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/take-over.aspx

using System;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


namespace Remo


               /// <summary>

               /// Class for Sending Mouse and Keyboard events to ANY

               /// window in the system by a handle.

               /// </summary>

               public class TakeOver



                       private int handle;


                       #region SendMessage Constants


                       private const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201;

                       private const int WM_LBUTTONUP   = 0x0202;

                       private const int WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203;

                       private const int WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204;

                       private const int WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205;

                       private const int WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206;

                       private const int WM_MOUSEMOVE   = 0x0200;


                       private const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100;

                       private const int WM_KEYUP = 0x0101;

                       private const int WM_CHAR = 0x0102;


                       #endregion SendMessage Constants


                       #region Virtual Keys Constants


                       public const int VK_0            = 0x30;

                       public const int VK_1            = 0x31;

                       public const int VK_2            = 0x32;

                       public const int VK_3            = 0x33;

                       public const int VK_4            = 0x34;

                       public const int VK_5            = 0x35;

                       public const int VK_6            = 0x36;

                       public const int VK_7            = 0x37;

                       public const int VK_8            = 0x38;

                       public const int VK_9            = 0x39;

                       public const int VK_A            = 0x41;

                       public const int VK_B            = 0x42;

                       public const int VK_C            = 0x43;

                       public const int VK_D            = 0x44;

                       public const int VK_E            = 0x45;

                       public const int VK_F            = 0x46;

                       public const int VK_G            = 0x47;

                       public const int VK_H            = 0x48;

                       public const int VK_I            = 0x49;

                       public const int VK_J            = 0x4A;

                       public const int VK_K            = 0x4B;

                       public const int VK_L            = 0x4C;

                       public const int VK_M            = 0x4D;

                       public const int VK_N            = 0x4E;

                       public const int VK_O            = 0x4F;

                       public const int VK_P            = 0x50;

                       public const int VK_Q            = 0x51;

                       public const int VK_R            = 0x52;

                       public const int VK_S            = 0x53;

                       public const int VK_T            = 0x54;

                       public const int VK_U            = 0x55;

                       public const int VK_V            = 0x56;

                       public const int VK_W            = 0x57;

                       public const int VK_X            = 0x58;

                       public const int VK_Y            = 0x59;

                       public const int VK_Z            = 0x5A;


                       public const int VK_BACK      =    0x08;

                       public const int VK_TAB       =    0x09;

                       public const int VK_CLEAR     =    0x0C;

                       public const int VK_RETURN    =    0x0D;

                       public const int VK_SHIFT     =    0x10;

                       public const int VK_CONTROL   =    0x11;

                       public const int VK_MENU      =    0x12;

                       public const int VK_PAUSE     =    0x13;

                       public const int VK_CAPITAL   =    0x14;

                       public const int VK_KANA      =    0x15;

                       public const int VK_HANGEUL   =    0x15;

                       public const int VK_HANGUL    =    0x15;

                       public const int VK_JUNJA     =    0x17;

                       public const int VK_FINAL     =    0x18;

                       public const int VK_HANJA     =    0x19;

                       public const int VK_KANJI     =    0x19;

                       public const int VK_ESCAPE    =    0x1B;

                       public const int VK_CONVERT   =    0x1C;

                       public const int VK_NONCONVERT=    0x1D;

                       public const int VK_ACCEPT    =    0x1E;

                       public const int VK_MODECHANGE=    0x1F;

                       public const int VK_SPACE     =    0x20;

                       public const int VK_PRIOR     =    0x21;

                       public const int VK_NEXT      =    0x22;

                       public const int VK_END       =    0x23;

                       public const int VK_HOME      =    0x24;

                       public const int VK_LEFT      =    0x25;

                       public const int VK_UP        =    0x26;

                       public const int VK_RIGHT     =    0x27;

                       public const int VK_DOWN      =    0x28;

                       public const int VK_SELECT    =    0x29;

                       public const int VK_PRINT     =    0x2A;

                       public const int VK_EXECUTE   =    0x2B;

                       public const int VK_SNAPSHOT  =    0x2C;

                       public const int VK_INSERT    =    0x2D;

                       public const int VK_DELETE    =    0x2E;

                       public const int VK_HELP      =    0x2F;

                       public const int VK_LWIN      =    0x5B;

                       public const int VK_RWIN      =    0x5C;

                       public const int VK_APPS      =    0x5D;

                       public const int VK_SLEEP     =    0x5F;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD0   =    0x60;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD1   =    0x61;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD2   =    0x62;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD3   =    0x63;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD4   =    0x64;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD5   =    0x65;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD6   =    0x66;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD7   =    0x67;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD8   =    0x68;

                       public const int VK_NUMPAD9   =    0x69;

                       public const int VK_MULTIPLY  =    0x6A;

                       public const int VK_ADD       =    0x6B;

                       public const int VK_SEPARATOR =    0x6C;

                       public const int VK_SUBTRACT  =    0x6D;

                       public const int VK_DECIMAL   =    0x6E;

                       public const int VK_DIVIDE    =    0x6F;

                       public const int VK_F1        =    0x70;

                       public const int VK_F2        =    0x71;

                       public const int VK_F3        =    0x72;

                       public const int VK_F4        =    0x73;

                       public const int VK_F5        =    0x74;

                       public const int VK_F6        =    0x75;

                       public const int VK_F7        =    0x76;

                       public const int VK_F8        =    0x77;

                       public const int VK_F9        =    0x78;

                       public const int VK_F10       =    0x79;

                       public const int VK_F11       =    0x7A;

                       public const int VK_F12       =    0x7B;

                       public const int VK_F13       =    0x7C;

                       public const int VK_F14       =    0x7D;

                       public const int VK_F15       =    0x7E;

                       public const int VK_F16       =    0x7F;

                       public const int VK_F17       =    0x80;

                       public const int VK_F18       =    0x81;

                       public const int VK_F19       =    0x82;

                       public const int VK_F20       =    0x83;

                       public const int VK_F21       =    0x84;

                       public const int VK_F22       =    0x85;

                       public const int VK_F23       =    0x86;

                       public const int VK_F24       =    0x87;

                       public const int VK_NUMLOCK   =    0x90;

                       public const int VK_SCROLL    =    0x91;


                       #endregion Virtual Keys Constants


                       [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]

                       private static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, int msg, int wParam, IntPtr lParam);

                       [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] // used for button-down & button-up

                       private static extern int PostMessage(int hWnd, int msg, int wParam, IntPtr lParam);

                       [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]

                       private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);



                       public TakeOver(int handle)


                              this.handle = handle;



                       public void SetFocus()


                              SetForegroundWindow(new IntPtr(this.handle));



                       public void SendLeftButtonDown(int x,int y)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_LBUTTONDOWN,0,new IntPtr(y * 0x10000 + x));



                       public void SendLeftButtonUp(int x,int y)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_LBUTTONUP,0,new IntPtr(y * 0x10000 + x));



                       public void SendLeftButtonDblClick(int x,int y)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK,0,new IntPtr(y * 0x10000 + x));



                       public void SendRightButtonDown(int x,int y)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_RBUTTONDOWN,0,new IntPtr(y * 0x10000 + x));



                       public void SendRightButtonUp(int x,int y)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_RBUTTONUP,0,new IntPtr(y * 0x10000 + x));



                       public void SendRightButtonDblClick(int x,int y)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK,0,new IntPtr(y * 0x10000 + x));



                       public void SendMouseMove(int x,int y)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_MOUSEMOVE,0,new IntPtr(y * 0x10000 + x));



                       public void SendKeyDown(int key)





                       public void SendKeyUp(int key)


                              PostMessage(handle,WM_KEYUP,key,new IntPtr(1));



                       public void SendChar(char c)


                              SendMessage(handle, WM_CHAR, c, IntPtr.Zero);



                       public void SendString(string s)


                              foreach (char c in s) SendChar(c);


