프로그램 자료/Java Script

Jquery Div Layer Popup 고정 레이어 팝업

motolies 2013. 10. 7. 17:07
출처 : http://mylko72.maru.net/jquerylab/study/layer-popup.html

연관 : http://motolies.tistory.com/291

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<head runat="server">


    <style type="text/css">



            display: none;

            position: fixed;

            _position: absolute;

            top: 0;

            left: 0;

            width: 100%;

            height: 100%;

            z-index: 100;


        .layer .bg


            position: absolute;

            top: 0;

            left: 0;

            width: 100%;

            height: 100%;

            background: #000;

            opacity: .5;

            filter: alpha(opacity=50);


        .layer .pop-layer


            display: block;




            display: none;

            position: absolute;

            top: 50%;

            left: 50%;

            width: 410px;

            height: auto;

            background-color: #fff;

            border: 5px solid #3571B5;

            z-index: 10;


        .pop-layer .pop-container


            padding: 20px 25px;


        .pop-layer p.ctxt


            color: #666;

            line-height: 25px;


        .pop-layer .btn-r


            width: 100%;

            margin: 10px 0 20px;

            padding-top: 10px;

            border-top: 1px solid #DDD;

            text-align: right;




            display: inline-block;

            height: 25px;

            padding: 0 14px 0;

            border: 1px solid #304a8a;

            background-color: #3f5a9d;

            font-size: 13px;

            color: #fff;

            line-height: 25px;




            border: 1px solid #091940;

            background-color: #1f326a;

            color: #fff;




    <script src="/jscript/jquery-1.10.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


    <script type="text/javascript">

        function layer_open(el) {


            var temp = $('#' + el);

            var bg = temp.prev().hasClass('bg'); //dimmed 레이어를 감지하기 위한 boolean 변수


            if (bg) {

                $('.layer').fadeIn(); //'bg' 클래스가 존재하면 레이어가 나타나고 배경은 dimmed 된다.

            } else {




            // 화면의 중앙에 레이어를 띄운다.

            if (temp.outerHeight() < $(document).height()) temp.css('margin-top', '-' + temp.outerHeight() / 2 + 'px');

            else temp.css('top', '0px');

            if (temp.outerWidth() < $(document).width()) temp.css('margin-left', '-' + temp.outerWidth() / 2 + 'px');

            else temp.css('left', '0px');


            temp.find('a.cbtn').click(function(e) {

                if (bg) {

                    $('.layer').fadeOut(); //'bg' 클래스가 존재하면 레이어를 사라지게 한다.

                } else {






            $('.layer .bg').click(function(e) {        //배경을 클릭하면 레이어를 사라지게 하는 이벤트 핸들러










    <form id="form1" runat="server">

    <a href="#" class="btn-example" onclick="layer_open('layer2');return false;">예제-2 보기</a>

    <div class="layer">

        <div class="bg">


        <div id="layer2" class="pop-layer">

            <div class="pop-container">

                <div class="pop-conts">

                    <!--content //-->

                    <p class="ctxt mb20">

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                        Your registration was submitted successfully.<br>

                        Selected invitees will be notified by e-mail on JANUARY 24th.<br>


                        Hope to see you soon!


                    <div class="btn-r">

                        <a href="#" class="cbtn">Close</a>


                    <!--// content-->






